Cushman & Wakefield | RED| Amaliegade 3, 5th floor, 1256 København K
Cushman & Wakefield | RED| Amaliegade 3, 5th floor, 1256 København K|VAT: 30 53 49 99|Phone: +45 33 13 13 99|Email:

Købmagergade 44C,
1150 København K

Surrounded by strong retailers

Købmagergade stretches from the Storch Fountain on Amagertorv to the public transportation hub at Nørreport Station.

Strøget and Købmagergade are the two pedestrianized main streets of the shopping area in Copenhagen, and the two streets have the highest footfall counts in the city.

Købmagergade is known for its popular tourist attraction, The Round Tower, the well-known department store Illum and its strong local retailers and international highend brands.

The area surrounding the Trinity Quarter is dominated by international sportswear and premium fashion brands.