Cushman & Wakefield | RED| Amaliegade 3, 5th floor, 1256 København K
Cushman & Wakefield | RED| Amaliegade 3, 5th floor, 1256 København K|VAT: 30 53 49 99|Phone: +45 33 13 13 99|Email:

Købmagergade 7 th.,
1150 København

Lease with high footfall

Købmagergade 7 is located in an 18th-century property close to luxury brands and the famous department store Illum. The lease comprises 125 m², of which 95 m² is ground floor and 30 m² is basement. The lease is located between the largest and most trafficked shopping streets in Copenhagen. Amagertorv is well known for several luxury brands, and the area is undoubtedly one of the most central destinations in Copenhagen, with one of the highest footfalls.