Cushman & Wakefield | RED| Amaliegade 3, 5th floor, 1256 København K
Cushman & Wakefield | RED| Amaliegade 3, 5th floor, 1256 København K|VAT: 30 53 49 99|Phone: +45 33 13 13 99|Email:

Valuation & Research

Let us advise you on legislation and financial conditions in the property market. Our department valuates all types of properties – for private individuals, banks, companies, state and municipalities, Etc.

We, of course, overall carry out valuation and analysis tasks within all property segments for Danish and international clients. However, in the Valuation & Research department at Cushman & Wakefield | RED, we are also very experienced in valuing assets that stand out from the norm: e.g. sports stadiums, car repair workshops, parking facilities, laboratories and institutions – we even had Christiania under the microscope.

Areas of competence

01. Office

We advise on rent levels, the optimisation of existing office properties and property conversion into new office facilities. We have in-depth knowledge of the office property market and a solid database of property transactions, which is why we conduct valuations of office properties in connection with sales, purchases, annual statements, optimisation potential, insolvency court, insurance, investments, Etc.

Areas of competence

02. Residential

We advise on the optimisation of residential properties and the conversion of the property into new housing, including public housing, student housing, nursing homes, private housing, Etc. We have in-depth knowledge of the housing market and a solid database of real estate transactions. Therefore, we also conduct housing valuations (study, care, public and private housing) in connection with sales, purchases, annual statements, optimisation potential, insolvency court Etc.

Areas of competence

03. Retail

We advise on rent levels (whether the rent level is in line with the market) and assess existing lease portfolios with a view to optimising and performing market screenings for retail needs in specific areas. When buying, selling and investing, we also conduct a valuation of retail properties, shopping centres, Etc.

Areas of competence

04. Industry and logistics

We advise on rent levels (if the rent level is in line with the market) and on optimising industrial and logistics properties. We perform market screenings of logistics properties and conduct valuations of industrial and logistics properties in connection with purchases, sales, annual statements, optimisation potential, insurance and investment, Etc.

Areas of competence

05. Hotel

We advise on the optimisation of hotel property and conversion to hotel property, and we conduct valuations of hotels in connection with sales, purchases, annual statements and optimisation potential, Etc.

Areas of competence

06. Building rights

We advise on the conversion of building rights and conduct valuations of building rights within all segments – also in connection with purchases, sales, optimisation potential, investment and annual accounts, Etc.

Areas of competence

07. Urban development

We carry out project development in municipalities (e.g. optimisation potential, offering properties and implementation of new projects) within all property segments – also special properties. We also conduct market analyses of municipalities to identify their needs in terms of property types.

Areas of competence

08. Special property

We advise on the optimisation and/or conversion of special properties, and we conduct valuations of parking facilities, institutions, sports facilities, car repair workshops, district heating systems, listed properties, estates, Etc.

Areas of competence

09. Market rent note

We compile market rent and return notes on all segments and make market analyses, for example, to examine the demand for a given profession in a specific area.


Each year Cushman & Wakefield | RED publish a number of publications containing market data and analysis, and reflect the trends in the commercial property market.

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The Valuation & Research specialists

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Jesper Bruce-Anderson

Partner, Valuation
+45 23 83 62 20
Jesper has been with RED since 2006, and joined the partner circle in 2014. Jesper works with advice on real estate, market analyses, cash flow models and property valuation etc.
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Anne Sofie Ravn Christensen

Head of Research
+45 53 53 50 77
Anne Sofie has been with RED since 2019. She is responsible for obtaining, collecting and processing data for the department, in addition to market analyses, cash flow models, presentations and property valuations.
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Ole Hjorth

+45 60 21 85 32
Ole has been with RED since 2018. He is one of the most experienced advisers in Denmark within the commercial aspects of urban development projects.
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Per Sørensen

Senior Manager
+45 22 13 33 23
Per has been with RED since 2019. He has experience in property financing, assessment, strategy execution and negotiations.
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Jakob Christensen

Senior Associate
+45 26 36 88 21
Jakob has been with RED since 2019. He works with all property segments in the form of market analyses, cash flow models and property valuations.
Tanja BachDownload vCard

Tanja Bach

Senior Associate
+45 50 90 48 48
Tanja has been with RED since 2024. She works with all property segments in the form of market analyses, cash flow models and property valuations.
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Thomas Julius Petersen

+45 33 13 13 99
Thomas has been with RED since 2022. He works with property valuations, cash flow models and market analyses.
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Lasse Skafsgård Klausen

+45 53 67 87 72
Lasse has been with RED earlier and has returned in 2025. He works with all property segments in the form of market analyses, cash flow models and property valuations.
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Christina Jessie Rasmussen

Back Office Executive
+45 33 13 13 99
Christina has been with RED since 2022. She works with anti-money laundering, report preparation and processing, invoicing, proofreading and communication.
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Magnus Brendstrup Hansen

Junior Associate
+45 33 13 13 99
Magnus has been with RED since 2024. He works with property valuations, cash flow models and market analyses.
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William Skaaning Andersen

Junior Associate
+45 33 13 13 99
William has been with RED since 2024. He works with property valuations, cash flow models and market analyses.